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Vizsla Dogs


We’re still living with it

A Pawfect Life is a personalised service meaning that we need to meet you, your family and your hounds in person. 

Thankfully the world now has a grip on COVID-19.

Having said that, it is a potentially devasting virus for elderly and/or the medically vulnerable.

As such, if you have an in-person  appointment, it would be greatly appreciated if you could inform us if anyone in your house tests positive.  This will not mean a cancellation however, it gives me the opportunity to ensure I follow appropriate protocols to reduce chances of onward transmission.  This may mean that you are moved to be the only or the last appointment of the day.

The sooner you inform us of a positive result, the less disruption for you as I will cease to book appointments on that day.

In the meantime, if you have any queries about COVID test results feel free to email to enquire.

All our love, Lou, Tonks & Flash xx

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Dog Walker at the Park

“Everything I know, I learned from dogs”

Nora Roberts

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Canine Information Centre

Dogs are so often described as "(hoo)Mans Best Friend".  It is my belief that with all the technological advances that have been made in the last 100 years, that us hoomans are losing (or have lost) sight of what it means to be DOGS Best Friend.

I have created A Pawfect Life to aid in returning that balance to the hooman canine relationship through information, education, research and most importantly HELP!

My aim is to create a one stop shop for information and assistance.  Everything from "I'd love a dog but don't know where to start" to help with canine [health] with advice on diet, exercise, activities, and holistic health options.

I'm starting small but intend on adding to products and services as I grow.  So keep coming back for helpful tips, advice and exciting options for you and your four legged friends.

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Dog & Human Matching

We all know that puppies are cute but what will they grow into?  Want to rescue a dog but don’t know where to start?

With the prospect of working from home more and more prevalent, you might be thinking of adding the pitter patter of furry feet to your home (and now office).

I can talk you through all the options and the different requirements of each potential friend.  Be prepared for the brutal truth; I am advocating for the dogs too.  A Dalmatian may not be the best fit for your 75 year old Mum for Christmas!

I will also be with you every step of the way.

Personalised and Professional Consultancy Services

Are you having problems when you are walking your dog on lead?  Or perhaps you spend your morning walk watching your best friends tail disappear over the horizon with you chasing frantically behind?  Maybe your problem is in the home because "Fido" continually mugs your visitors?

My aim is to help YOU better understand canine behaviour & how your dog processes the information that they receive AND finally (and most importantly) to understand the cues that your dog is giving you which are telling you how they are feeling.

Get in touch to find out how I can help out!

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Dogs on a Bench

“Some of my best leading men have been DOGS and horses.”

Elizabeth Taylor

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Dogs on a Bench


Get in touch with A Pawfect Life to learn more about my services.

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